Really stressed out along with too much happily given Tagging by means of good friends in Facebook? Of course that Tagging is enjoyable, but as soon as your good friends will begin tagging the title with way too many unrelated pics as well as movies, or merely to acquire his or her pics or even messages on your Walls for your band of good friends to see, that will begin to become alternatively troublesome.

Of course, you can untag yourself, but in cases like these prevention is always better than constant untagging. There are unfortunately no way you can stop the tagging activities on Facebook, however there are ways to control how your tagged photos and videos will appear on your Facebook Timeline.

Method#1:  Remove tags from Photos

First of all, you may have a number of unrelated photos already tagged to your Facebook profile. To remove this tag, simply open the photo from the album, hover the cursor over your name and click Remove tag.

Method#2:  Review tags from Friends before posting

As mentioned earlier, there is no way to stop any of your friends from tagging you on Facebook, but you can decide how the tagged photos and videos will appear on your Facebook Timeline. To control this, follow below mentioned steps.

Step 1:  Go to your Facebook Privacy Settings
Step 2:  Simple go to “Privacy Settings > Timeline and Tagging > Review posts friends tag you in
before they appear on your Timeline” and Set “On” This option.
Step 3: Below mentioned screen shots will help you in enabling this feature:
Click on Edit settings of Timeline and Tagging Option.
Step 4: You will see an option “Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your
Timeline”, Now click on “Off” and set it to “On” to enable this feature for you.
Step 5:  And Now Finally Enable this Feature.

Note: Click on below image to view all better settings for your security purpose in Facebook

After saving the changes if someone tag you on Facebook then you will get Options to eitherHow-To-Stop-Unwanted-Photo-Tags-In-Facebook-Timeline
Approve or Disapprove the posts. These posts will not visible on your Timeline until you
manually approve them.I think for girls it would be very much helpful .